Oh Kpop how I love thy. Seriously tho. These are guys from my favorite Kpop band U.Cuz. Why do I like them? Not only are they kinda good looking BUT they wear big rings!! I love big rings!! They are like a cross between NSYNC ( umm did I even spell that right) and like that one American Idol guy who got drunk and kicked outta Lady Gagas birthday party. So yea. Kpop <3 ^_^ ( <-- I had to pull out the keyboard and look at the keys for that one ) I wish Will could get stationed at a base in Korea because I would be in HEAVEN!! I just dont think A. the need for infantry guys are great in that area and B. I need specialist doctors that I don't know if they would have. So Ill just have to keep spreading the word in the good ol US of A about Kpop.
Ok down to business. I met a chick who had Sjogrens a few days ago!! It was so cool talking to her!! She gave me the list of her doctors and says they are beyond amazing so Im going to talk to tricare and see if I can get switched over to hers since my rhumotolgest was seeing like 6 patients and myself all at once. When I have an auto immune disorder I would really like some one on one doctor time come on people!! Not like that either you pervs. She was talking about how her meds make her motivated and she just cant stop during the day even if shes tired cuz if she lays down she either falls asleep or doesnt want to get up. That is so me!! Shes got a referral to go up to John Hopkins Hospital to the Sjogrens Syndrome Clinic and said that if I see her docs they would be able to put in the referral to that clinic also..Its a 3 day study then they send all the info back to my doctor and they set up a full and complete treatment from leading people in Sjogrens. I also became an Ambassador for Sjogrens Syndrome Foundation. Very much excited about that. Ive been feeling good other then at night. Nights are horrible for me. My body hurts sooo bad and no matter what position or how many pillows I add or take away nothing helps. Evidently my pill doc things Xanax will help that but its not really in brain thinking to much its just my body.
Anyway I gotta get ready for the day. Im off to Lowes to pick up some paint..working on Elles dresser!! then her room will be complete and Ill post some pictures. xoxo
<3 annie